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School Day
Parents can drop off their children between 7:30am to 7:45am in the morning and pick up at 1.30pm for KG students and 3:00pm for Primary and Middle school students.
We offer after school clubs on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:00pm to 3.45pm The school finishes at 11:30 on a Friday.
Monday to Thursday
Pre-K to KG2 - 8:00am to 1:30pm
Grade 1 to 7 - 8:00am to 3:00pm
8:00am to 11:30am
Monday to Thursday
Pre-K to KG2 - 8:00am to 1:30pm
Grade 1 to 6 - 8:00am to 3:00pm
8:00am to 11:30am

Everything we do at Bright Learners comes from the HEART
BLPS is a learning Eco-System that makes children feel emotionally and physically supported, creating a culture of positive well-being, happiness, and learning.